
https://ipwhois.io is an API that provides a users location (country, region, city, currency, currency symbol etc) based on their IP address. Get the accurate location information with our IP Lookup API and IP Location Database for any IP address.

16 Alternatives To ipwhois.io


ClickToAddress offers APIs for address lookup and verification.

Geo IP Tool

Find a geolocation of an IP address including latitude, longitude, city, region and country.

Geo Targetly

Geo target your website visitors. Redirect visitors or show content, popups & sticky bars by country, state & city using their IP geolocation.


IP2Location is a leading provider of IP intelligence service.

Marketing Optimizer

Optimize conversion rates, increase lead-to-close ratio, and resell leads easily. Includes complete WordPress integration.


Near is a Location-aware Data Platform that helps you Unify & Enrich your data, Take action and Measure Results.


SendX (https://sendx.io) provides remarketing and retargeting tools for web businesses. You can use popups, landing pages, email, web push notification, automation workflows and FB / Google retargeting to drive more revenue.


ShowIP displays the IP address(es) of the current page in the status bar.


TrueIP is a small program that runs in the system tray, monitoring your IP address(es).


ipstack is a free, real-time IP address to location JSON API and database service supporting IPv4 and IPv6 lookup.


Free, international and secure address validation, autocomplete and geocode JSON API for developers and businesses - compatible with PHP, Python, and more.