Sync your monitor’s brightness with your in-built display í ½í¶¥í ½í²¡
18 Alternatives To Lunar
Apple ARKit
A framework to create Augmented Reality experiences for iOS
Apple Watch Series
The most powerful and advanced smart watch yet
Apple Watch Series 3
Apple’s newest internet-connected smartwatch

Arrow iOS
Give life to texts & emojis in AR

Dance Reality
Dance practice in augmented reality
Dark Reader
Reduce eye strain in your browser with this extension that provides a dark theme for browsing.
Mix holograms into videos & photos in Augmented Reality
Product Hunt on your Linux System Tray.
Lifelog is the clever activity tracker app for Android that keeps track of what matters to you –…
Look Up for Mac
Reduce eye strain & exhaustion with the 20-20-20 Rule

Dating app for singles over 50 í ½í²

Made With ARKit
Hand-picked curation of the coolest stuff made with ARKit

Pin photos to 3d space with augmented reality
Mixed Reality Jobs
Hand-picked curation of the hottest jobs in MR/VR/AR
Pomodoro for your eye health - Mac & Win
More control over macOS Night Shift
Snap Art
Snap’s augmented reality platform