Mind WorkStation

Mind WorkStation is a mind relaxation program that is being used by the therapists and entertainment enthusiastic of the large companies to deal with the mental situation and create professional brainwave.

5 Alternatives To Mind WorkStation

BrainStimPro Binaural Generator

BrainStimPro Binaural Generator is a professional brainwave tuning tool for the medical usage.


Brain State is a brainwave optimization tool for releasing your stress either it is physical, emotional or ongoing.


Gnaural is an opensource binaural beat audio generating application for the processing of binaural beats in the various neural pathways as compared to the conventional hearing.

Lux VST Brainwave Entrainment Instrument

Lux VST Brainwave Entrainment Instrument is a brainwave program and set of various plugins that assist the researchers, therapists and entrainment enthusiasts in controlling the anxiety and stress level in the brain.


SBaGen is a tool to control the brainwave of minds by offering the users to set various frequency level for waves that come to each ear.