Muru Music
Personalised playlists within seconds.
20 Alternatives To Muru Music

Book Playlist
Collaborative music playlists for your favorite books
Concert Playlists
Listen to any concert, any time
Doppler for iPhone
A better offline music experience for iPhone
Kobo Audiobooks
Experience the joy of being told a story
Level Music
A new platform for independent artists, everywhere. In beta.

Move to Apple Music
Convert your Spotify playlists for Apple Music
New Spotify Web Player
Spotify new UI for web player (no more Adobe Flash)

Playlist Machinery
Tools that help you create & organize your Spotify playlists
Spotify and iTunes in your macOS menu bar
Spotify playlist with similar songs, according to
Spotify Taste Rewind
What your music taste would have been like in past decades
Your 2017 Wrapped by Spotify
Relive all the music you discovered and loved in 2017.