
NuYu Personal Activity Monitor

NuYu Personal Activity Monitor is a digital activity tracking device that will assist you in getting more active and staying active all the time by simply tracking the steps taken, calories taken & burned, distance traveled, sleeping duration and lo…

8 Alternatives To NuYu Personal Activity Monitor


Garmin Vivofit 2

Garmin Vivofit 2 is highly strict activity and fitness tracker that motivate you to get up and get moving.

Jawbone Up

Jawbone Up is a revolutionary health and fitness tracking and maintaining product that guides you every step of the way to be a better and healthier.

Mi Fit

Mi Fit is a band to monitor your health and fitness level on daily basis.

Microsoft Health

Actionable insights for healthier living

Misfit Flash

Misfit Flash is a superb and economical sport and sleep monitoring device that will measure your activities and sleeps on the daily basis.

Nike+ FuelBand

Nike+ FuelBand is the product of Nike Inc.

Polar Loop 2

Polar Loop 2 is a digital activity tracker for those who wants to track their activity 24/7 and are interested in to reach activity goals via smart guidance.

Striiv Play

Striiv Play is a sleek and smart pedometer tracker that pairs with the Striiv iPhone app.