
Female robotic massager for blended orgasms

16 Alternatives To Osé


AWS GovCloud

Isolated AWS Region designed to allow US government agencies and customers to move sensitive workloads into the cloud.

Aunt Flow

100% organic cotton menstrual products for businesses

BlackBerry Blend

Blackberry Blend is software that seamlessly connects information between a Blackberry mobile device and a desktop PC or a tablet device.


CityReporter is an inspection application that works on mobile devices and contains modules to handle the different needs of building permit inspections, playground safety, etc.


Clio provides a full suite of web-based practice management tools targeted specifically at the administrative needs of sole practitioners and small firms.

Digital CrimeScene

DataWorks Plus’ Digital CrimeScene is a customizable crime scene management system that allows you to securely store and manage forensic data, images, videos, reports, documents, drawings, and narratives for each case record.


An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS.

Flo Health

The #1 app for women’s menstrual health 💆‍♀️


UTI treatment, birth control, and more in 5 minutes


Mobile car rental & fleet management

New World Public Safety

US State & Local Government


Your partner through mid-life


SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) is India’s top private university offering undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in Engineering, Management, Medicine and Health Sciences, and Science & Humanitie…

Sanity & Self

Guided-wellness for your mind, body and soul