
Simple Amazon product search in Slack

16 Alternatives To Slackzon


Alexa Skill Builder by Chatamo

Build your own Alexa skills for free (no code required)!

Algolia Alexa Skills Kit

Integrate Algolia search into your Amazon Skill


Making conversations accessible for the deaf

BuyerBot Slack Bot

Amazon purchasing for Slack teams

Chaos Control

Personal project management for entrepreneurs & busy people


The AI skills mentor of the future

Finn Slack Bot

Finn makes doing things with lists easy and a bit more fun

Five Star

The best Amazon products in a domain, by price bracket.

Git Explorer

Find git commands you need without digging through the web.


We’re the guildies that you raid with until your eyes are blurry. We’re that annoying bastard that wrecks your whole team and doesn’t let you forget it. We’re that friend you’ve gamed with for years, but that you’ve never actually met.

Product Discovery

Fastest way to find your next Amazon products to sell

Product Mentions

Aggregating all Amazon products linked from Reddit

Pushpop for Slack

Push your analytics data into Slack


A collection of some of the best Slack Bots

Stack Overflow Documentation

A crowdsourced developer documentation

This Is Why IM Broke

ThisIsWhyImBroke is a free online magazine run by a bunch of geeks who partake in way too much online window shopping.