Spell Numbers

Learn how to spell any number!

19 Alternatives To Spell Numbers

AR Alphabets

Teach your kids the alphabet using AR 👪


Alphabear is an original word puzzle game in which you spell words and collect cute bears whose…


Create fun content with AR!


Create reactive AR apps without code

Dead Simple Screen Sharing

Simple screen sharing and audio conferencing software.

Facebook AR Studio

Facebook’s developer platform for Augmented Reality

Flutter by Google

Build beautiful native apps in record time 🚀


Code snippet manager that runs on GitHub Gist


GitHub Notifications on your desktop.


Mix holograms into videos & photos in Augmented Reality

Intel Vaunt

Smart Glasses that look normal


A safe, curated environment for kids to watch videos

Lightkey Predictive Typing for Windows

Boost your efficiency by 40% in Office, Gmail, WhatsApp Web


Track feedback from users on your site.

Microsoft Windows Mixed Reality

Immerse yourself in a new reality

Moon Tunes

Symbol and colour based music player app for kids

Norton Point

Sunglasses made from recycled ocean plastics


Lets kids create gorgeous animations