The Brand Grader

Analyze any brand online in seconds

19 Alternatives To The Brand Grader


Improve your app visibility in the App Store and Google Play

AdScore by Unified

Instant credit score for your Facebook Ads account.

Automate Ads

Digital advertising on autopilot

Brand Intelligence

A brand management platform

Brands of the World

Open source database of brands vector logos

Brutal Teardowns

Get honest feedback and actionable advice for your website

Feedback Tools

Curated directory of tools for getting all the feedback


Feedier is a Feedback management platform to collect qualitative Feedback with highly engaging and gamified forms. Be a leader, turn Feedback into growth leverage by making data-driven decisions. 🏆

Grade My Ads

Score your Facebook ads + improve them, in seconds.


LeadsBridge is an all-in-one solution for lead generation that easily helps you fills the gaps connecting over 200 CRM or Email Software.

Logaster Online BrandMaker

Create your corporate style instantly online within 5 min.


Lookout is a cybersecurity company that predicts and stops mobile attacks before harm is done to an individual or an enterprise.

PageSpeed Ninja

One-click page speed boost for WordPress

Progressive Tooling

Curated list of tools to improve web page performance


Make your websites load faster

Social Report

Social Report™ is a social media management software created to help businesses grow their social media presence. Try it free.

Unmetric Discover

Data-powered ideation toolkit for brand content creators.

Website Grader

Grade your website’s strengths and weaknesses in seconds.