
Get matched with jobs you want

22 Alternatives To TieTalent

CV Compiler

Better tech resume within minutes 🕐

Career Hacking for Millennials

Proven strategies for greater success in less time

Digital Profile

Matching digital & tech professionals to jobs

From Millions to Billions

What age did they make their first billion?

Google Hire

The applicant tracking system and recruiting software by Google that helps you hire more qualified candidates faster, and seamlessly integrates with Gmail, Google Calendar and other G Suite apps.

Pure CSS Francine

HTML/CSS portrait in the style of an 18th century painting

Standard Resume Pro

Modern & professional resumes without templates or gimmicks


Create beautiful & responsive web resumes in minutes

The Careers of the Founders

A timeline of success & failures of remarkable entrepreneurs

The Speed of a Unicorn

See how long it took for startups to become unicorns 🦄

Unicorn Republic

List of startups that evolved into $1 billion+ corporations


projectM is an LGPL’ed reimplementation of Milkdrop under OpenGL.
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