tonica fugata
Composing it for you… Automatic three and four-part composition (styles: J.S.
21 Alternatives To tonica fugata

Audacity is a free and open-source audio production software suite that includes a surprising array of editing tools and recording systems.
Music note writing and composing software
GNU Denemo is a music notation editor that lets you rapidly enter notation for typesetting via the…

FL Studio
Image-Line’s FL Studio, now on it’s 12th version, is a well-known music production suite and the most popular beat processor on the market, due no doubt to its longevity. Read more about FL Studio.

Finale, the world standard for music notation software, lets you compose, arrange, notate, and print engraver-quality sheet music.
Online collaborative music score editor
To assure our visitors that Impro-Visor is clean, we have granted it with the “100% FREE” Softpedia award. [more certifications]. Welcome to. Impro-Visor. Jazz Improvisation Advisor.
MusicDisruption is an online music creation and sharing platform for digital music with hundreds of…
Rosegarden is a powerful audio, MIDI and score editing and sequencing environment for musicians.

Sibelius is a virtual score creation tool which allows composers to easily create new piano scores, developed by Avid.
Write music naturally on your Windows Surface Tablet.
capella melody trainer
capella melody trainer helps you improve your intonation and learn your choir or orchestral part.
capella-scan is a software that scans your sheet music and transforms it into an editable file.