TweetFast for Mac Menubar ⚡️

Fastest way to tweet from your Mac Desktop 👩‍💻

9 Alternatives To TweetFast for Mac Menubar ⚡️


Tweetdeck for GitHub


Mastodon is a decentralized, open source social network. This is just one part of the network, run by the main developers of the project It is not focused on any particular niche interest - everyone is welcome!

Signal for Twitter

A noise-cancelling Twitter client for Android

Tweet Tray

Tweet quickly from your desktop without any distractions.


Sync your timeline across your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Mute tweets by user, hashtag, tweet source, or keywords (including regex). 3rd Party support for image, video, read later, and timeline sync services.

Tweeten 2

A powerful Twitter client based on TweetDeck.

Twitter Lite

Loads quickly, takes up less space, and is data-friendly.

Twitter Search Fixer

Fix Twitter search by not accidentally clicking #hashtags