YC World

Explore Y Combinator companies by country

24 Alternatives To YC World

Apply to YC (Y Combinator)

Curated collection of resources for founders applying to YC.

Crunchbase Unicorn Leaderboard

Leaderboard of private companies with > $1BN Valuations

From Millions to Billions

What age did they make their first billion?

JetPack Data

JetPack Data proposes an intuitive data analytics and visualization platform geared for ’the common man’. Using advanced Machine learning techniques, JetPack Data does the analysis for you and not the otherway around!

Job Collections by AngelList

Job opportunities from YC companies, female founders, & more

Lemonade Stand Picture Book

Teaching kids how to think like an entrepreneur!


A tiny collection of UI components


Career coaching for students, free until you get a job 🎉

Relativity of Time

What humans could do in 1s/min/h/week/month/year

StartUp Dash

The entrepreneurship game for kids and adults

Startup School

How to start a startup, by Y Combinator

Startup Video Academy

Learn from the best startup leaders

The Speed of a Unicorn

See how long it took for startups to become unicorns 🦄

The Y Combinator Database

The definitive database of YC companies with all the metrics

Unicorn Republic

List of startups that evolved into $1 billion+ corporations

Visual Biographies

Timelines of amazing lives for visual learners

Y Combinator Companies

Interactive list of all 1000+ YC companies


A census of Y Combinator startups and their founders
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