Google Graveyard by SaaSHub

The Google Graveyard is the complete list of discontinued products by Google. Also known as ‘The Google Cemetery’

21 Alternatives To Google Graveyard by SaaSHub

Building Communities

A live class by Product Hunt’s Erik Torenberg

Career Cache

The best tools and resources to help you get a better job

Codementor Community

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Dead startups don’t tweet


Failory is a community visited by startup founders every day to read articles about entrepreneurship, interviews with failed and successful founders, insightful postmortems and our monthly reports.


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Indie Hackers

Connect with fellow entrepreneurs, developers, and bootstrappers who are sharing the strategies and revenue numbers behind their companies.

Life Calendar

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Maker Mag

The first magazine for indie makers. 🚀

Maker Spotlight

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Mashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company.

One Month iOS

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Startup Failures

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Startup Graveyard

History shouldn’t have to repeat itself

Startup Jobs

All startup jobs in one place. Check out 10,000s of jobs at the fastest growing startups around the world.

Startup Snapshot

Vivid behind-the-scenes startup stories, in photographs

The Google Cemetery

A list of dead Google products and why they died

The Mission Devs

The #1 newsletter for developers 👨‍💻💌


Crowdfunded student loans