Midnight Snack

24-hour mixtape by Noon Pacific

22 Alternatives To Midnight Snack


DJ curated Spotify playlists on iOS

Adblock Fast

A faster ad blocker for browsers and iOS 9

Adblock Radio

Skip ads and/or chit-chat on your favorite radios

Auxy Music Studio

Auxy brings real music creation to iPhone in a simple and inspiring format.

Boil the Frog

Create a seamless playlist between any two artists

Bon Entendeur Music

Free electro mixtapes with french personalities


Code with epic background music tracks 👨‍💻🎧

Dank Mono

A typeface designed for coding aesthetes with modern displays in mind. Delightful ligatures and an italic variant and bold style. The included character set includes latin uppercase and lowercase letters, all modifiers, and diacritics covering most European languages.


If you want a free music app that allows you to stream music without being interrupted by commercials or ads, Earbits is the answer.

Graphic Foundry

High-impact audio reactive music visualizers 💎


Pick two songs and get the perfect mix


One-tap music for every occasion, with Spotify Premium

Noon Pacific

The week’s best music handpicked & delivered to your devices


Create and share mixtapes with friends

Playlist Machinery

Tools that help you create & organize your Spotify playlists


Create forever running video playlists

Van Schneider Mixtapes

Carefully crafted mixtapes for creatives.

djay Pro for iPad

djay Pro provides a complete toolkit for performing DJs.